Can A Smart Home Really Help You Save Money?

Can A Smart Home Really Help You Save Money?

When you think about saving money at home, what are some practices that come to mind? It’s probably something like remembering to shut off lights, make sure faucets are closed off or take shorter showers. They sound like obvious habits, but making sure they’re done daily is easier said than done. 

Smart home devices don’t just make it easier to close the garage door or secure your home, they can also help you save energy and money. And seeing how Americans spend $130 billion a year on wasted energy, people can use all the help they can get.

How Smart Tech Will Help You Cut Costs

Smart tech often includes devices such as thermostats, refrigerators, air conditioners and other home equipment that come with Wi-Fi capabilities. This setup allows you to control these smart devices remotely via an app on your smartphone, and even monitor usage to control consumption to possibly save costs.

There are many ways you can save money by installing smart devices, and here are some of them.

Smart Thermostats

Heating and cooling take a huge chunk of monthly bills, with individuals spending up to half of the average household budget on them. Smart thermostats can adjust themselves in response to someone’s presence in the house, ensuring they are set to low or turned off when no one is around. Programmable thermostats can help you save up to 25% on heating and cooling bills.

Smart Lighting

Lighting is only second to excessive heating when it comes to denting the monthly bill. A smart lighting system can dim, turn off, or change the color of your bulbs for maximum energy savings. LED bulbs often cost more than regular bulbs but can help you knock off at least $35 per bulb annually.

Smart Water Control

The water bill is another little-known area where individuals can save cash. While kitchens and bathrooms are the first places we often think of when it comes to saving, outdoor water use is a big factor. Nearly 1/3 of your water consumption is outdoors, and about 50% of it is wasted. Smart sprinklers automatically adjust the amount of water they let through according to the weather report, which can shave off up to 50% of the water bill.

Smart Power Outlets

Standby power use is a significant contributor to energy wastage and unnecessary expenses, contributing to about 16% of the electricity bill. Smart power outlets enable you to monitor and restrict energy drain via the sockets, which can save you up to 16% of the electricity bill.

Start Saving, One Step at a Time

There are a ton of other energy-saving devices that you can use for your home. With smart home technologies, you’re in control of more than just the intelligence, safety and comfort of your home. You’re in the driver’s seat when it comes to your energy bills.